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Loving God & Loving People

Small Groups

One of the best ways to connect with others is in small groups and Bible studies.  Here are a list of groups that are currently meeting. 
Email us if you would like to join a group!
If God has put it on your heart to host or lead a small group, please let us know - we would be happy to stand beside you and help you in this amazing next step!
Upper Room: Monday Evenings
Prayer and worship from 6:30-8pm (stop by the church any time!)
Tuesday Evening Fellowship
Dessert and fellowship at 7pm, Study to Follow
Men's Bible Study
8am on Saturdays at Perkins
Women's Bible Studies
Three different times throughout the week

Upcoming Events

Clothing Connections Open House
We are hosting our Winter Open House for Clothing Connections THIS Saturday, Nov. 9 from 9am - 12pm. We will have free clothing (as well as fun and festive outfits) for men, women, children, and infants.

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
We'll collect shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child on November 10 and will pray for them after church. To learn more about this amazing ministry, click here!


Kids Christmas Event
We will gather all kids and their families for a fun day of singing, crafts, and treats on Saturday, Nov. 16 at the church! We will record the kiddos singing some songs for our Christmas DVD (a holiday favorite that we send out to our local nursing homes), but let us know if you have anything else you would like for us to include in the DVD (any readings, drawings, special songs, etc.)!

Baptism Sunday
We are having another baptism on Sunday, Nov. 24!! This is a wonderful declaration of a person's faith, and we invite you to come and celebrate - and please let us know if you would like to learn more about this exciting event!

Christmas Stroll
We will be participating again in this year's Christmas Stroll on Friday, Nov. 29! We hope to see you then - stop by for some cookies and a special hot chocolate station!


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